Posts tagged ‘preconceptions’

Pennsylvania, according to a Tica

I was chatting on Skype (great program for overseas communication…) today.  My Tica mamá asked if I was talking to one of my amigos here in Costa Rica, and I said no, this friend was from Minnesota but lives in Pennsylvania now.

This is where it got interesting.  She said, oh! that’s where the monster family lived.

I was at first perplexed.  Then, it dawned on me that she might be talking about the Addams Family, since at first I thought she was talking about a movie, but she said no, it’s a TV series.  She described the mother of the family, and also said the house was very mysterious.  So far, so good.  I asked if it was old; yep.

So I found a picture via Google Images–

Addams Family

–and she said, yep, that’s the one!  She used to love that show (and watched it all the time) when she was a girl.

Anyways.  All this to say, this is what she thinks of when she hears of Pennsylvania.  Kinda like I think of Dracula when I hear about Romania, or used to think of butterflies when I heard of Costa Rica.  It’s kinda funny what things get arbitrarily used as mental images of places!

August 31, 2009 at 8:17 pm 2 comments


I'm Sarah, on one of the MVNU student blogs. Enjoy the posts! I recommend checking out "This is Meself" to start with, then jumping in wherever you are. Tags and categories can guide the way. Don't forget to have a look at my photos from Costa Rica too. :)

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